Dickinson County Democratic Convention – Summary

3-23-2024 - 9 am

1. Election of Temporary Chair and Secretary Terry/All

  Chair-Nomination of Terry Yarns, Linda M; Seconded, Kelly M; motion carried unanimously.

  Secretary-Nomination of Linda Moore; Marty N, Seconded, Deb M; motion carried unanimously.

  1.  Review of Delegates selected at 1/15 Caucus:

    • Karen Sterk, Precinct #1

    • Kaylene Kinlen, # 2

    • Pat Kelly, #2

    • Terry Yarns, 10

    • Aidan McKeever, 10

      • Alternates:  Linda Moore, #2; Deb Mckeever, #10

  2. Announcement:  The District Convention will be held May 4 in Fort Dodge; more information forthcoming; also noted that the state Convention is June 15.

  3. Review of Resolutions from the 1/15 caucus and presented by the Platform Committee:

  • Four resolutions were read by Linda:

1. * Healthcare – Women’s Right to Choose

2. ** Healthcare & Education – Opposing firearms in schools

3. *** Healthcare – Acceptance of Federal Food Assistance

4.  ****Agriculture & Government- Wind & Solar Local Control

  • Motions for approval of those four resolutions as follows:

       1. * Motion made by Pat K seconded by Marty N; motion carried unanimously

2.** Motion by Debra M, seconded by Aiden M, motion carried unanimously

3. ***Motion by Debra M, seconded by Pat K, motion carried unanimously

4.  ****Motion by Adian M, seconded by Linda M, motion carried unanimously

  1. Open discussion of current topics

  2. Motion to adjourn by Adian, seconded by Kelly, motion carried.

  3. Convention adjourned. 

The 2024 Iowa Caucus in Dickinson County


Monday, January 15, 2024, 7pm - Milford Community Center, Milford, IA - 18 in attendance

1.       Opening/ Pledge of Allegiance                                                                                                                            Terry/All       Caucus Agenda:

  • Check-in & Registration

  • Caucus called to Order

  • IDP Presentation

  • County Party Platform

  • Elect Officials & Candidates Presentation

  • Election of Permanent Caucus Chair & Secretary

  • Election of Precinct Committee Members

  • Election of Delegates & Alternatives to County Convention

  • Election of County Convention Committee Representatives

  • Ratification of Slate of Delegates, Alternatives & Precinct Committee members

  • Resolution discussion & adoption of submission to County Platform

  • New Business

  • Reminder to request Presidential Preference Cards

  • Caucus Adjourns

2.       Caucus Chair elected, Terry Y; Caucus Co-Secretaries elected, Kaylene & Linda

3.       Moment of Silence for Patriots lost this year

4.       Envelope passed to collect donations

5.       Caucus guidelines read and followed as appropriate

6.       Delegates elected- Name, Precinct/ratified
Karen Sterk, #1
kaylene Kinlen, #2
Pat Kelly, #2
Terry Yarns, #10
Aidan McKeever, #10
Alternatives, Linda Moore, #2; Deb McKeever,#10

7.       Dickinson County Platform discussed; resolutions presented, discussed and adoption of submission- women’s health choices, wind & solar local control, guns out of school systems, federal food assistance

8.       Platform Committee elected/ratified
Terry Yarns
Kaylene Kinlen
Scott Chambers
Linda Moore

9.       Reminder of request Presidential Preference Card………………info available on registration table

10.   Caucus adjourns

Linda Moore, Kaylene Kinlen