January 2023

Monday, January 16, at 7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order by Chair Terry Yarns. 7 people in attendance. Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary’s report was reviewed with no corrections or additions. Motion to approve - Tim F. 2nd by Barry Sterk. All aye.

Treasurer’s Report, Balance - $6,260.83. Approved Kaylene K./Harold P. 2nd. All ayes. There remains one congressional check for $250 not returned yet (Cindy Axne).

New Business
Statehouse republicans have priorities this session - #1 being to shove private school funding through with public tax dollars, taking those monies away from public schools -surely resulting in property tax changes down the road. Collaboration needs to be one quickly with local schools opposing public monies going to private schools.

Meeting attendees picked up where we had left off at the Nov. meeting. How do we get younger people interested in politics and attending meetings? The Sterks had Mr. Phil Spevak on zoom during our meeting. Phil had attended a meeting midyear last summer. He is an out of state person but visits the Great Lakes Region often and is really interested in helping with this if he can. All brainstormed. Perhaps host a Food & Drink Issues Event. Get unaffiliated voters more involved. Get the younger voters registered, perhaps right after high school graduations.

We should all try to make people contacts with the issues. We need to figure out what we wish to accomplish. Going forward – Tim will contact Art Cullen. Karen will contact Rob Sands and Ty Rushing. Will figure out in a paragraph exactly what we are trying to accomplish. Perhaps these 3 individuals would be willing to help us with reaching out to younger individuals in the community.

We will not meet in February. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 20.

Motion to adjourn by Tim F. – 2nd by Marti N. All aye. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.