March 2023

Monday, March 20, at 7:00 p.m. Nature Trails Clubhouse, 465 202nd Street, Milford, IA 51351

  1. Opening - The meeting was called to order by Chair Terry Yarns. 10 people were in attendance + 1 zoom attendee for 11 total. Pledge of Allegiance. *Present at the meeting.

  2. Secretary's report was reviewed. Julie's original report submitted was approved by Tim F. with a second by Marti N. All aye. 

  3. Treasurer’s Report - Current balance of $5,951.24. The website domain name annual renewal was paid. The website’s annual management system (Squarespace) auto renewal will be in late April. The contribution check to Cindy Axne campaign for 2022 Congress, Iowa's 3rd district, was cashed by her campaign, but has not been reimbursed to us. Follow-up will continue to retrieve the funds. Motion to accept by Karen S.- 2nd by Harold P. All aye.    

New Business

  • Terry Y. brought up the fact that better organization is needed. A Vice Chair position needs to be filled as well as a small group organization.

  • Karen Sterk led the discussion about a new approach to getting a truthful message out to the public - a way to counter the Republicans BAD ideas and untruthful concepts. Tim F. and via zoom Phil Spevak impressed on the attendees the need to take responsibility for this in our own more local area. New State Democrat Chairperson Rita Hart obviously needs to prove to us in NW Iowa that more effort will focus on the difference between the two parties. We need to do this ourselves!

  • Phil presented online a Phase 1 and a Phase 2 concept that the three of them have been zooming and visiting about and what they roughly thought each phase might cost (strictly guessing). The concept is to improve messaging based on facts. The first step is to send out an RFP (request for proposal) to several agencies. The proposal that fits the goals of the group will be chosen based on several criteria points. Circulation, demographic targets, cost, and media are an example of criteria points. Phase 2 would involve execution and fundraising. 

  • A motion was made by Kaylene K. and 2nd by Joyce P. to get the ball rolling on this. All aye. Karen, Tim, Phil and Terry Y. set up dates and times in the very near future to get this out & and to interview those companies who may respond and explore. They will report back at the next meeting to be held in April for feedback.

Motion to adjourn at 8:17 pm by Tim F. with a 2nd from Marti N. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 17, 2023, at the Nature Trails Clubhouse, Milford, IA 51351.